Sponsor a child

from Kirsten: This is a cause that is very close to my heart, since my family has sponsored several children through Compassion over the years. Two graduated, one dropped out, and we are currently supporting a little girl in the Honduras [Celeste] and a little boy from Indonesia [Aji]. As of August 29th 2011, I am also personally sponsoring little Irene in Burkina Faso. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may  have, or visit Compassion's website.


To date, Compassion International has touched the lives of more than 2 million children, working with more than 65 denominations and thousands of indigenous church partners.

About Compassion International
(this information is taken directly from their site)
* Jesus Christ is at the heart of Compassion's ministry. This corporate commitment drives the content of our programs, characterizes the kind of people we hire, and guides our ethics. We believe we must do more than simply meet the physical needs of the poor. Poverty sends a defeating, painful message into the heart of a child: a message that says, "You don't matter." Introducing children to their loving Heavenly Father is the most powerful way of reversing this message. Every child who participates in a Compassion program is given the opportunity to learn about Jesus and discover how to develop a lifelong relationship with God. This good news is modeled and shared in age-appropriate and culturally relevant ways -- never through coercion. The Great Commission is at the core of our mission and discipleship is at the core of our program.
* Compassion's ministry is focused on the individual child and his or her development. By working holistically with individual children to address their spiritual, economic, social and physical needs, we present every child with an opportunity to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults. Although entire communities may feel the positive impact of Compassion's presence, our goal is to release children one-by-one from poverty in Jesus' name. What happens in the life of a child ripples throughout their environment now and in the future. We believe that changed environments may assist children, but transformed children will inevitably change their environments. 
* The Church is God's chosen instrument to bring hope to a hurting world and to deliver justice to the poor and oppressed. That's why Compassion works exclusively in partnership with local churches in developing nations to deliver a holistic child development program. Only the local church is uniquely qualified to understand the real needs of her community and reach the children in poverty who need her care. The local church creates an environment of unparalleled stability, enabling children the opportunity to experience God's love and acceptance.
* More than half a century of unwavering integrity and depth of professional experience have built a foundation of great credibility for Compassion's ministry. We steward the resources entrusted to us with utmost seriousness. We regularly perform audits to ensure that our programs are being well managed and that funds are being properly disbursed and applied. Compassion commits to the highest professional and biblical principles in all aspects of our ministry and maintains the highest industry standards for our allocation of funds.

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