Sunday, January 16, 2011

First class assignment - Part 1

Assignment: 1. Make a list of current issues/hot topics. Pick one or two and just write about them for at least 15 minutes. Let the writing sit for a couple hours or days, then come back and read them again. 2. Find your position on the issue(s), where you stand in relation on it/them to those in authority and to your peers, and the stance taken by those who disagree. How would people respond to your opinions? 3. Now pick your favorite topic and write about it for 15 minutes again. 4. Give your writing to someone you trust; discuss it with them, take careful note of their opinions, and revise it if your opinion changes.

Consider what there is to say; before whom, in whose defence, against whom, at what time and place, under what circumstances; what is the popular opinion on the subject; and what the prepossessions of the judges are likely to be; and finally of what we should express our deprecation or desire.
~ Quintilian

gun control
civil rights
the economy
global warming
health care
Internet control bill

For this one, I think I have to go with gun control. After the shooting in Tucson and the most recent one at a high school (in California, I think?), everyone I hear talking about them brings up the issue of gun control, and unfortunately it seems that most people are in favor of it. It sounded good to me at first, but the collected wisdom of several people I respect quickly helped me to see that it's not really the solution. It brings to mind that quote “Those who sacrifice their freedom for security deserve neither freedom nor security.” Let's face it, our nation is getting lazier and lazier. Instead of people taking initiative and wanting to deal with their own problems, they blame the government for everything and expect it to take care of whatever they don't want to deal with. Roads? Gov.'s problem. Elderly parents? Let the government take care of 'em. Gosh sakes people, they're YOUR family! Poverty? We can't be the generous ones, it has to be the government. There doesn't seem to be a concept of community anymore, much less family. We can't take responsibility for the things we see our children being taught or the video games they play or the religions they might choose to dabble in; when one happens to go psycho, who do we blame? The gun. Yeah, this spoon is making me fat. Get real. We all know that freedom isn't free; we should be willing to take a little risk, let responsible citizens have guns, and when a loopy guy gets thrown into the mix it won't be just people screaming and running for cover. Someone will take initiative and stand up and defend their fellow citizens, and loopy guy goes the hospital, the insane asylum or the prison. It frustrates me to see that people are so willing to just give up control to a government that hasn't really been able to handle things that well in the first place. I'd say it all boils down to laziness. Freedom isn't free. Be willing to give some security up to know that you've earned your right to be called an American citizen.

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"A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels." Proverbs 1:5
"How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" Psalm 119:103
I can't wait to hear what you have to say to me, whether it be words of wisdom or some sweet honey of encouragement. But if it isn't either of those, please be respectful and keep your thoughts to yourself.